
Our approach to sustainability

Our sustainability strategy is structured around Environment, Social, and Governance pillars. These are indivisible from what we do as a company, and we engage with representatives from various groups of stakeholders to understand what matters to them, and how we can align our priorities to the material issues we identify.

Understanding what matters most to our stakeholders

We regularly engage with clients, suppliers, investors, NGOs, policymakers, employees, and our supply chain, to fully understand what matters most to them. As a result of these discussions, we identify issues for our business and align our targets to them.


We recognise that healthy ecosystems, rich with biodiversity, are fundamental to our existence. They sustain human life, clean our air, purify our water, and provide everything from food to medicine, to the raw materials that fuel our lives.

As a company whose very purpose is to help build a better future for everyone, we have a responsibility to minimise and mitigate our impact on the environment when planning and executing our projects.